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Peacemaking needs interdisciplinary skill in light of Gospel, pope says
Tue, Sep 15th 2020 10:00 am
VATICAN CITY -- With so much conflict, violence and war, the world needs people who are specially prepared to bring Gospel values to social, political and economic situations, Pope Francis said.
Demand Justice
Tue, Jun 9th 2020 01:20 pm
The horrifying death of George Floyd exposes the sensitive state of racial relations and the volatility of our current climate for social unrest.
Catholic parish offers sanctuary amid Minneapolis riots
Wed, Jun 3rd 2020 11:00 am
When protests following the death of George Floyd turned violent Thursday night, a small Catholic parish in Minneapolis became a refuge for neighbors who didn't feel safe in their homes.
Russell J. Salvatore donates gift to the Brothers of Mercy
Fri, Apr 17th 2020 12:00 pm
Russell J. Salvatore makes a fourth major gift to the Brothers of Mercy, tipping the scales well over $700,000 in gifts to the organization.
St. Joseph University Parish offers human trafficking information session
Fri, Mar 6th 2020 10:00 am
It goes on under our noses, in the back rooms of Mexican restaurants, in the basements of tenements, in the farms of the Southern Tier.
Rick Cronin announced as 2020 Catholic Charities Appeal Chair
Fri, Jan 3rd 2020 01:00 pm
Dennis C. Walczyk, president and chief executive officer of Catholic Charities of Buffalo, has announced that Rick Cronin will serve as chair of the 2020 annual Catholic Charities Appeal.
Nativity of Mary School reaches out the help African schools
Fri, Sep 6th 2019 03:50 pm
"A Long Walk to Water" is a work by Linda Sue Park that tells the story of one of the "Lost Boys" of the Sudan, Salva Dut.
Catholic Charities, Ministry of Concern mark collaboration with sign installation in Batavia
Wed, Aug 28th 2019 11:00 am
Following a year of increased collaboration, Catholic Charities installed a sign for Ministry of Concern in the waiting area
Bishops condemn new asylum policy for U.S.-Mexico border
Fri, Aug 23rd 2019 03:00 pm
The president of U.S. bishops' conference issued a statement condemning a newly-announced rule on asylum eligibility at the southern border, suggesting that countries like Mexico are not a safe final destination for asylum seekers, and encouraging the Trump administration to change the policy.
'Laudato Si,' and the NY Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act come together to set longterm goals for emmissions
Thu, Aug 22nd 2019 11:00 am
On the fourth anniversary of his release of his care for creation encyclical "Laudato Si," Pope Francis declared that the earth is in a "climate emergency."
St. Joseph University holds interfaith service for immigrants
Fri, Jul 26th 2019 04:00 pm
A political issue that has separated the nation brought people of different faiths together in Buffalo. St. Joseph University Parish in Buffalo hosted an interfaith prayer service on July 24 to pray for everyone involved in the Mexican immigration issue, from children to border guards.
Catholic Charities receives largest single donation in its history
Thu, Jun 13th 2019 02:00 pm
On June 13, Catholic Charities of Buffalo accepted the largest donation ever in its 95-year history.
The Humane Alternatives to Long-Term Solitary Confinement Act
Tue, Jun 11th 2019 11:00 am
Last month I was once again part of a team that spent a weekend inside a local prison conducting a retreat for the inmates there. We always learn a little more about their lives behind bars, and I am always dismayed at some of the stories about the prison's use of solitary confinement, also known as isolated confinement and known in slang as "the box."
Help Your Neighbor Find Hope
Tue, May 7th 2019 02:00 pm
My parents and I have recently watched the Catholic Charities' "Help Your Neighbor Find Hope 2019 Appeal Video" and we had many thoughts about it.
Catholic tips to care for creation and the environment
Mon, Apr 22nd 2019 08:00 am
As concern for the environment continues to be a talking point in the world, the celebration of Earth Day in April is one reminder that one of the most prominent Catholic social teachings is care fore creation. Pope Francis made it the topic of his encyclical "Laudato Si," writing, "We have forgotten that we ourselves are dust of the earth; our very bodies are made up of her elements, we breathe her air and we receive life and refreshment from her waters."
Western New York never lets down neighbors in need
Tue, Mar 26th 2019 11:00 am
We are honored and excited to serve as chairs for the 2019 Appeal in support of Catholic Charities. We have been involved with Catholic Charities for years as parishioners at St. Mark Parish in Buffalo, and as donors and appeal volunteers. We have learned and experienced firsthand how the organization serves our neighbors in need.
Pushed by the Holy Spirit into the desert
Sun, Mar 17th 2019 10:00 am
As the Hispanic/Latino Commission began planning for the Lenten Retreat that the Office of Cultural Diversity sponsors every year in Spanish, the first Gospel of the Lenten season, Mark 1:12-15 became the theme for the retreat this year.
'Justice is JUST US:' sister to reflect on today's racism and inequality
Fri, Mar 15th 2019 03:00 pm
A nationally-recognized advocate for racial justice, Sister Anita Price Baird, DHM, will share her insights with friends of the SSJ Sister Karen Klimczak Center for Nonviolence at the Center's 12th annual event on April 7. SS. Columba-Brigid Church, 75 Hickory St., Buffalo, will host the gathering at 3 p.m. A reception will follow in the parish hall.
The Sisters of St. Mary of Namur celebrates 200 years "Grateful for the past... Embracing the future!"
Sat, Mar 2nd 2019 02:00 pm
Many people on hearing the name Sisters of St. Mary of Namur immediately ask "Where is Namur?" In these days when knowing our roots is so important, this international congregation looks back 200 years to its founder,
New York passes Reproductive Health bill to expand abortion
Wed, Jan 23rd 2019 11:00 am
On the 46th anniversary of the Supreme Court Roe v. Wade decision that gave women the legal right to an abortion, New York state passed the Reproductive Health Act on Jan. 22 that expands abortion-rights legislation in the Empire State.
Many differences but one common denominator to March for Life
Wed, Dec 12th 2018 01:15 pm
Buffalo Diocese and hundreds of thousands of other Catholics will be taking a pilgrimage of public witness to Washington, D.C. They are calling for the end of abortion in the United States.
Conference tackles addiction in the family
Wed, Sep 26th 2018 02:00 pm
Several diocesan offices and the Samaritan Counseling Center gathered to address the crisis of opioid addiction and related deaths that has hit Western New York with a workshop that addressed the scientific, social and spiritual perspectives of addiction. The Sept. 22 presentation, held at Christ the King Seminary in East Aurora, was one in a series of events that the diocese has held on the topic.
Catholic Church strengthens language on death penalty
Wed, Sep 26th 2018 01:00 pm
While the Catholic Church has always discouraged capital punishment as part of its pro-life teachings, Pope Francis strengthened the language of opposition in August, changing the Catechism of the Catholic Church to state "the death penalty is inadmissible."
Diocese looking for parish addiction advocates with conference
Tue, Sep 11th 2018 01:05 pm
We've all seen those commercials about who to call when you slip and fall. But who do you call months later when you find yourself still taking opiates for the pain, and can't stop? Your local parish should be able to answer that question.
Do views on abortion align with party platforms? Not always
Tue, Aug 28th 2018 03:00 pm
WASHINGTON D.C. — Abortion in the United States is usually thought of as a deeply partisan issue. The majority of Republicans in Congress support restrictions on abortion, and the Democratic Party has included support and public funding for abortion in its most recent official party platform.
Catholic Charities to phase out foster care and adoption services
Thu, Aug 23rd 2018 07:00 pm
Catholic Charities of Buffalo has begun the process to phase out current foster care and adoption services under a contract with the Erie County Department of Social Services (DSS). The contract is set to expire in March 2019.
Justice Perspective: Do all you can to learn these issues, and act
Mon, Aug 20th 2018 09:25 am
I hope you read Bishop Richard J. Malone's column in the July issue that talked about "building bridges instead of walls." He ended his powerful reflection with this observation: "Do all you can to learn about these issues ... Study them through the lenses of sacred Scripture and Catholic Social Teaching. And then ... act!
Do views on abortion align with party platforms? Not always
Thu, Aug 16th 2018 12:55 pm
WASHINGTON, DC — Abortion in the United States is usually thought of as a deeply partisan issue. The majority of Republicans in Congress support restrictions on abortion, and the Democratic Party has included support and public funding for abortion in its most recent official party platform.
Cardinal Dolan calls for national prayer effort to support pro-life causes
Mon, Jul 23rd 2018 03:00 pm
WASHINGTON, DC - Cardinal Timothy Michael Dolan, Archbishop of New York and Chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Committee on Pro-Life Activities, issued a statement today inviting all people of good will to join in a prayer campaign that the change in the U.S. Supreme Court will move our nation closer to the day when every human being is protected in law and welcomed in life.
Support grows for Catholic Charities organizations reuniting families
Thu, Jul 12th 2018 01:00 pm
WASHINGTON—The Migration and Refugee Services of USCCB and Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA) today issued the following statement on the ongoing efforts to reunite children separated from their families at the border.
USCCB offers pastoral response to Asia & Pacific Islands
Fri, Jul 6th 2018 02:55 pm
WASHINGTON—The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is publishing a new document, Encountering Christ in Harmony: A Pastoral Response to Our Asian and Pacific Island Brothers and Sisters. The full text is available on the USCCB website at: .
Is Roe v. Wade being used as litmus test for judicial nominees ?
Fri, Jul 6th 2018 11:00 am
WASHINGTON— Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston, President of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), wrote to the members of the Senate on July 6, urging them not to use support for Roe v. Wade as a litmus test for judicial nominees in their deliberations about the upcoming vacancy on the Supreme Court of the United States.
Dioceses contribute more than $58 million to hurricane and earthquake recovery
Mon, May 21st 2018 03:00 pm
WASHINGTON—In response to the destruction caused by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria, and earthquakes in Mexico, Catholics across the United States have contributed nearly $59 million to relief and recovery efforts. Initiated by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), special collections and funds were launched last year to support humanitarian relief efforts as well as to provide pastoral services and financial support to rebuild facilities in dioceses impacted by these disasters.
"Violence is not the answer" to Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Fri, May 18th 2018 01:50 pm
WASHINGTON—In response to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the ongoing violence between Israelis and Palestinians, Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio of the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA, Chair of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Committee on International Justice and Peace, stated the following:
St. Benedict lives out 'Laudato Si' through service
Tue, May 15th 2018 03:10 pm
At a recent monthly meeting, the St. Benedict Creation Care Team held an informational session to inform those interested in living out Pope Francis's encyclical on the environment called "Laudato Si" or "On Care For Our Common Home."
New York assisted suicide bill draws fire from disability rights group
Tue, Apr 24th 2018 04:00 pm
NEW YORK CITY (CNA/EWTN News) - Disability rights activists are speaking out in opposition to a proposal in New York that would legalize physician assisted suicide.
Catholic Charities Appeal raises $7 million so far
Tue, Mar 27th 2018 12:00 pm
The Most Rev. Richard J. Malone, bishop of Buffalo, was joined by Catholic Charities officials and Appeal leadership Tuesday to provide an update on this year's 94th annual campaign following the conclusion of Appeal Week 2018 on Palm Sunday in all parishes throughout the Diocese of Buffalo.
USCCB urges support for 'First Amendment Defense Act'
Wed, Mar 14th 2018 11:40 am
WASHINGTON—Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz of Louisville, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Committee for Religious Liberty, and Bishop James D. Conley of Lincoln, chairman of the Subcommittee for the Promotion and Defense of Marriage, gave their strong support for the First Amendment Defense Act, which was recently introduced by Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) in the U.S. Senate:
A call for Congress to enact the Conscience Protection Act
Tue, Mar 6th 2018 01:20 pm
WASHINGTON-Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan of New York, chair of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' (USCCB) Committee on Pro-Life Activities, and Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz of Louisville, chair of the USCCB's Committee for Religious Liberty urge the faithful to flood Congress with emails and calls asking for enactment of the Conscience Protection Act as part of the 2018 funding bill and to pray for this outcome. Congress is currently considering whether to include the Conscience Protection Act in must-pass government funding legislation, and a decision on the Conscience Protection Act's inclusion will be made prior to March 23, 2018.