Bishop Richard J. Malone will celebrate a special Mass for the observance of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. The 10 a.m. Mass will be held on Sunday, Jan. 20, at Blessed Trinity Church, 317 Leroy Ave., Buffalo 14214. Guest homilist will be Father Clarence Williams, CPPS, Ph.D. All are welcome.
Father Williams, a member of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood religious order, was ordained in 1978 and has worked in Detroit, Mich. He currently serves as pastor of a multi-racial parish in Columbus, Ohio. Father Williams, who is known for his lectures and workshops on racism, has presented throughout the United States, South America, Africa and Europe.
A reception and theme basket auction will be held after Mass. Proceeds will go toward the Martin Luther King Scholarship Fund.
For more information about the Mass, please contact the Diocese of Buffalo's Office of Cultural Diversity at 847-2217.